Unplanned Good

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Panel: A First-Hand Look Into The Hearts & Minds of Moms Who Place for Adoption

(60-minute Workshop Panel) This is a very rare opportunity to hear directly from birth moms — why they chose adoption for their babies, what they expected and what was on their hearts at the time. Learn whether & how they stayed involved in the child's upbringing, how they got support & care after placement, and how they feel now looking back on their decision.

Two women who took the stage with me were absolutely fabulous: calm, poised, open, articulate and so sincere about their experiences. They were a huge blessing to all who attended. Comments from the CAFO Panel Evaluations

What was the most helpful thing you learned?

  • Everyone's story is different, each adoption is different

  • Open adoption is healing for the birth mom and benefits the child (ID) for all their life

  • Consistent visits are important!

  • Boundaries change over time.

  • As in any relationship, communication is key.

What was the most surprising thing you learned?

  • There CAN be a healthy, significant relationship between the birth mom and adoptive parents

  • Birth moms also don't like the term "giving up". "Intentionally place" is much better

  • Post-placement support for the birth mom is vital.